Beth Giobbe

Software Engineer


Software Development

  • Gathering/Analyzing Requirements
  • High-level & Detailed Design
  • C language unofficial icon C/C++
  • Java icon Java
  • Python icon Python
  • Multi-Threaded
  • Object-Oriented
  • Real-Time
  • Unit Test
  • Integration Test
  • Documentation
  • Debugging
  • Version Control
  • Git icon Git
  • CVS

Front End Web

  • HTML5 icon HTML5
  • CSS3 icon CSS3
  • JavaScript icon JavaScript
  • ES6 icon ES6
  • React Native icon React.js
  • DOM Manipulation
  • APIs
  • Responsive Web
  • Flexbox & Grid
  • Web Developer Tools
  • Sketchpad icon Sketchpad


  • 8- & 16-bit Microcontrollers
  • Bare Metal
  • RTOSs
  • Interrupts
  • Register Operations
  • DMA
  • SPI
  • ADC / DAC
  • PLL
  • Oscilloscope
  • Logic Analyzer
  • In-Circuit Emulator


  • RS-232C serial
  • OSI Model
  • HDLC
  • SDLC
  • TCP/IP
  • UDP
  • Sockets
  • HTTP
  • FTP
  • SMTP
  • Breakout Box
  • Wireshark logo Wireshark


Here are a few front-end web projects I did recently.

GitHub Repo Gallery screenshot

GitHub Repo Gallery

Responsive webpage shows a gallery of my repositories on GitHub. After forking Skillcrush's starter project, I used GitHub's REST API to fetch user and repo data, then formatted them for display. If you want to see more of my projects, this is the place to go!

Skills: ES6, APIs, async, DOM manipulation

Tools: GitHub API, Visual Studio Code, Web Developer Tools

Sticky Notes app screenshot

Sticky Notes

This greenfield project is a React app that lets the user create, edit, search, and delete persistent sticky notes on a webpage. Content is stored in the browser's local data.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, JSX, Data Flow, DOM Manipulation, Local Storage

Tools:, npm

Guess the Word game screenshot

Guess the Word

A surprisingly addictive game!
I forked Skillcrush's starter for the HTML and CSS, then wrote the Javascript 3 times: 1st, on my own; 2nd, following Skillcrush’s instructions; 3rd, combining the best of both. Finally, I created my own logo and color scheme.

Skills: Vanilla JavaScript, async

Tools: Visual Studio Code,, JavaScript console, Debugger

Unplugged Retreat responsive website screenshot

Unplugged Retreat

A three-page responsive website for a fictitious small business, starting from HTML5 Boilerplate, a design spec, and a style tile.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Git, Google Fonts

Tools: Visual Studio Code, Web Developer Tools, GitHub Pages

Rogue Pickings responsive webpage screenshot

Rogue Pickings

In this project, I took a static webpage for a ficticious food truck and made it responsive, mobile-first, with breakpoints for tablet and desktop.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Media Queries

Tools: Visual Studio Code, Web Developer Tools, GitHub Pages

Beth Giobbe's headshot

Hi, my name is Beth Giobbe.

I live in the Boston Metrowest area of Massachusetts and I am seeking a Software Engineer position.

Besides developing software I am an herbalist, a mostly-organic gardener, and a media ecologist. For relaxation I enjoy reading mysteries and the occasional sci-fi/​adventure story.

I am passionately motivated by fostering positive change that enhances the well-being of both people and the natural world. I favor a holistic approach to problem-solving, seeking sustainable solutions that promote healing and growth while respecting individual choice.

I worked as a software engineer for 30+ years, in regulated and unregulated industries, on teams and individually, with various levels of process, and accrued strength in embedded and communications. Since then, I have started learning web development through online classes and tutorials. After taking Stanford’s Introduction to Databases MOOC and Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails Tutorial, I maintained a Ruby on Rails/MySQL website for 2 years.

I have enough training and experience to learn any new technologies needed. The purpose of the project is more important to me in this season of my life than the particular languages and environments used to build it.

I hope you have a really good project we can work on together!

Let's Connect!